More than 70% of the world’s largest consumer countries rely on imported natural rubber self-sufficiency rate below the safety line

The latest statistics show that as the world's largest natural rubber consumer country, China's self-sufficiency rate of less than 30% has exceeded the safety guarantee line. China's rubber industry will therefore face great risks.
It is understood that China has become the largest consumer of natural rubber in the world since 2003, and since 1998, the self-sufficiency ratio of natural rubber has been decreasing year by year. In 2004, the consumption of natural rubber in China was 1.8 million tons. The national output was only 570,000 tons, and the self-sufficiency rate was less than 1/3. Affected by typhoon last year, the production of rubber in the main producing area of ​​Hainan Province has declined, making the self-sufficient ratio of natural rubber less than 30% for the whole year. According to the internationally recognized boundary, the 30% self-sufficiency rate is the most basic security guarantee line for a national rubber industry. At present, more than half of the raw materials needed by the rubber industry in China are natural rubber. Once the source of natural rubber is threatened, the entire rubber industry in the country will face a crisis.
The production of natural rubber in China is first controlled by land factors. The land that can be used for rubber cultivation in the country is only in the entire province of Hainan and in a few areas in Guangdong, Yunnan, and Guangxi. The planted area is only about 10 million mu. Since the output cycle of natural rubber is 6 to 7 years, there are few large enterprise groups that are willing to invest. Only large state-owned farms and a part of retail households are engaged in planting and harvesting. At the same time, the growth of natural rubber is greatly affected by natural factors, and typhoons and droughts will bring heavy blows. However, farmers often lack the technology to produce plastics, which results in poor product quality, serious waste of resources, and low output. The output per unit area is 25% to 40% lower than that of state-owned farms. Due to the lack of clear national industrial policy support, it is difficult for Chinese enterprises to develop overseas natural rubber resources. At the same time, the world's major producers and consumers of natural rubber are stepping up competition for rubber resources. Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia not only restricted the export of natural rubber raw materials, but also established an international rubber cooperation group and established Sanguo Rubber Co., Ltd., a company that aims to control rubber prices. Furthermore, the five countries of natural rubber have been established in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam and India, which account for 90% of the world's total natural rubber exports. Many rubber-consuming countries also started to take the initiative to invest in factories to build rubber, the Japanese government can even provide discount loans to enterprises. The personage of Hainan Natural Rubber Industry Group stated that to ensure the safe supply of rubber resources in China, “going out” is an inevitable choice.